Leipzig - Beginner Handpan Workshop

Praxis für Körpertherapie
Birkenstraße 15
04177 Leipzig
02.06.2024 14:00 – 17:00
16.06.2024 14:00 – 17:00
23.06.2024 14:00 – 17:00
13.07.2024 14:00 – 17:00
27.07.2024 14:00 – 17:00
11.08.2024 14:00 – 17:00
25.08.2024 14:00 – 17:00
Absolute Beginner, Beginner

ab 13 Jahre 60€
bis 12 Jahre 30€
Helferplatz 45€

Max Kay offers regular “Beginner Handpan Workshops” in Leipzig-Lindenau.

Here you can make your first experiences with the handpan and get to know your first playing techniques.
You don’t need your own instrument for this.
Or do you already have your own handpan and would like to play simple rhythms, chords and short songs in a group?
This workshop is definitely the right one for you!

In the 3-hour workshop you will get to know the instrument and have access to various handpans.
They differ in tuning, material and manufacturer.
A total of up to 15 instruments from Sound Sculpture will be available.

After the workshop you also have the option of buying or renting a handpan so that you can continue to apply what you have learned at home and develop your playing independently. If you buy a Handpan, the rental fees will be charged 100% with the purchase price.

In addition to the regular participant places, there will be a discounted helper place, which will mainly involve transporting the handpans before and after the workshop.

Participation in the workshop is only possible with registration.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.




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We also offer handpan workshops outside of Leipzig. Check it out to see if there are any workshops in your vicinity.

About the organizer

Max Kay

Max ist Handpan-Spieler und Sozialpädagoge aus Leipzig. Er begleitet mit der Handpan regelmäßig Yogastunden und bietet Einzelunterricht und Einsteiger-Workshops an, mit welchen er interessierten Menschen einen Zugang zu diesem wunderbaren Instrument eröffnen möchte. Mehr Informationen über ihn und seine Tätigkeit als Handpan-Spieler findest du auf seiner Homepage : www.handpan-lernen-leipzig.de oder seinem Instagram Profil : instagram.com/handpan_musiker_maxkay