Mainz - Advanced course Handpan Workshop

Sound Sculpture - Handpan Shop
Neutorstr. 10
55116 Mainz
26.05.2024 16:00 – 18:00
11.08.2024 11:00 – 13:00
01.09.2024 11:00 – 13:00
Beginner, Slightly Advanced


Advanced course for our beginners’ workshop

We build on the basics of our beginner workshops to further develop your handpan playing with creative impulses. The course is aimed at anyone who has already gained some experience with the handpan, for example by taking part in a beginners’ course. This workshop focuses on the expansion of rhythms and melodies, refined touch techniques and specific exercises to build up your playing.

Workshop contents:

  1. Advanced touch techniques: Refine your technique for a more versatile sound and more dynamic playing.
  2. More complex rhythms and melodies: Expand your musical range with more sophisticated elements.
  3. More advanced exercises to build up your game: Develop your game further with targeted exercises that give you the basics for improvising.

After the workshop you also have the option of renting a handpan so that you can continue to apply what you have learned at home and develop your playing independently. When you purchase a Handpan, up to 2 rentals will be offset 100% against the purchase price.

Handpans will be provided for the course.

Participation in the workshop is only possible with registration.

The dates listed above are options. The course only takes place on one of these dates. Please choose the one that suits you best.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

For more information about me, please visit my Instagram channel:



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We also offer handpan workshops outside of Mainz. Check it out to see if there are any workshops in your vicinity.

About the organizer

Lavinia Gerster

Mein Name ist Lavinia Gerster und ich bin Multiinstrumentalistin. Vor etwa drei Jahren habe ich die Handpan für mich entdeckt, nachdem ich schon als Kind angefangen habe akustische Gitarre zu lernen. Im Jugendalter kam dann die Leidenschaft für Schlagzeug und E-Gitarre dazu. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in verschiedenen Bands und Musikrichtungen wie Rock, Pop und Funk kombiniere ich nun die Handpan mit anderen Instrumenten, um meine eigenen Songs und Sounds zu kreieren. Genauso gerne spiele die Handpan aber auch alleine. Ich freue mich darauf, mit dir im Kurs die dieses wunderschöne Instrument zu entdecken und gemeinsam Musik zu machen.