Bremen - Beginner Handpan Workshops

Seminarhaus am Fluss
Oberblockland 7c
28357 Bremen
12.10.2024 11:00 – 14:15 Sold out
12.10.2024 16:00 – 19:15 Sold out
09.11.2024 11:00 – 14:15 Sold out
09.11.2024 16:00 – 19:15
30.11.2024 11:00 – 14:15 Sold out
25.01.2025 11:00 – 14:15
15.02.2025 11:00 – 14:15
22.03.2025 11:00 – 14:15
26.04.2025 11:00 – 14:15
24.05.2025 11:00 – 14:15
Absolute Beginner, Beginner


Even the first few hours with a handpan can be great fun! No matter if you have ever played an instrument before or not. Petra will lead you through free playing to your first own motifs and a rhythm with variations. You will also learn how to strike the notes and their arrangement on the handpan. She will answer all your questions on the subject. This will be followed by a consultation for anyone considering renting or buying a handpan.
For more information and registration please click directly on the date or stop by here:



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We also offer handpan workshops outside of Bremen. Check it out to see if there are any workshops in your vicinity.

About the organizer

Petra Kleinecke

Petra Kleinecke ist Handpanspielerin, Schlagzeugerin, Diplom-Musikpädagogin und Gestalt-Musiktherapeutin i.A. In Ihren Workshops verbindet sie Herz und Verstand: ganz spielerisch führt sie Teilnehmer*innen zur Erweiterung ihres Wissens und ihrer Möglichkeiten.