Görlitz - Beginner Handpan Workshop

Studio Ritmico
Jakobstr. 21 - Hinterhaus
02826 Görlitz
25.05.2024 10:00 – 15:00
01.06.2024 10:00 – 15:00
22.06.2024 10:00 – 15:00
03.08.2024 10:00 – 15:00
24.08.2024 10:00 – 15:00
07.09.2024 10:00 – 15:00
28.09.2024 10:00 – 15:00
12.10.2024 10:00 – 15:00
02.11.2024 10:00 – 15:00
30.11.2024 10:00 – 15:00
Absolute Beginner, Beginner


Melody & Rhythm

Special for absolute beginners 😊

Word has gotten around – a UFO is making its rounds and has taken the world of sound by storm! Handpan – an instrument that has become an integral part of the sound cosmos!

Do you also want to explore the magical spell of the handpan for yourself, how it affects you and your body, how you can conjure up your own highly individual playing style on this instrument? Then come to my workshop and register now!

Content: Theory & practice in short form:

  • Background knowledge on the origins and history of the handpan
  • Differences between handpans (scale, material, sound)
  • Touch techniques
  • Trying out different hand pan settings
  • Rhythmic introduction – body percussion – body awareness
  • Learning rhythm patterns on the conga (drum) – Coordination
  • Implementation on the handpan
  • Improvisation exercises and beat exercises
  • Time to reflect and relax in between
  • A harmonious overall experience at Studio Ritmico!

At the end of the workshop we will play a piece together, where I will accompany you on the congas/percussion to give you a complete feeling of harmony in rhythm, sound and percussion to take home with you!

Handpans will be provided for the workshop. You will also have the opportunity to discover and play different manufacturers and scales.

After the workshop you also have the option of renting a handpan to continue practicing what you have learned at home or to develop your playing further on your own. If you buy a Handpan, the rental fees will be charged 100% with the purchase price. More information on site!



In our privacy policy you will find infos, about how we handle your data.

We also offer handpan workshops outside of Görlitz. Check it out to see if there are any workshops in your vicinity.

About the organizer

Claudia Lohmann

Claudia ist eine leidenschaftliche Percussionistin, Klang- & Musiktherapeutin sowie Psychologische Beraterin! Das Credo ihres Studios Ritmico: Harmonie in Rhyhtmus, Klang & Percussion! Als Claudia die Handpan vor vielen Jahren entdeckte, hat sie sich sofort in dieses wundervolle Instrument verliebt und die Handpan ist aus ihrem großen Instrumentenschatz nicht mehr wegzudenken! Leidenschaft pur! Egal, ob du schon Erfahrung hast oder nicht, für jeden Teilnehmer, in Workshops oder im Unterricht, fördert Claudia auf einfühlsam, geduldige Art und Weise die Individualität jedes einzelnen. Sie weiß noch um die erste Stunde, die ersten Schritte ihres Weges in die Welt der Percussion! Du brauchst weder Notenkenntnisse noch eingehende Musikkenntnis – Jeder ist musikalisch auf seine individuell spezielle Weise! Mehr erfährst du unter: www.ritmico-move.de