Max Kay

Max is a handpan player and social pedagogue from Leipzig.
He regularly accompanies yoga classes with the handpan and offers individual lessons and beginner workshops, with which he would like to give interested people access to this wonderful instrument.
You can find more information about him and his work as a handpan player on his homepage : or his Instagram profile :

Infos for trying out handpans

Du hast Interesse an einer Handpan und möchtest gerne zum Probespielen vorbeikommen? Selbst anfassen, ausprobieren und entdecken was persönlich gefällt, ist und bleibt der schönste Weg die passende Handpan zu finden! Bei Max Kay hast Du die Möglichkeit Handpans aus unserem Sortiment zu testen sowie an regelmäßig stattfindenden Handpan Workshops teilzunehmen.

Request an appointment for trying out handpans

Try out

Please let us know beforehand, which models you are interested in, and we will make sure, that they are there when you come in to try them out.

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